Coppell Republican Club

Serving Our:
Families, Country,
Party, and Community

The mission of the Coppell Republican Club is to create an active social network which promotes conservative values within our community through educating and informing citizens and by giving support and feedback to local, state, and national candidates and officeholders.

Coppell Republican Club Board Members

Rick Groesch


Sharon Clark

VP Programs

Alan Orr

Precinct Liaison

Ann Dyer

Club Liaison

Bill Hurlbert


Alexander Mischel

VP Membership

Jerry Sheaks


Candy Kelly


Naveen Sukumaran

Communications & Technology

Coppell Republican Club FAQs

Annual Individual and Family Membership is $30.
Student Memberships are Free.
Neutrality in Republican Primaries.  The Club and its Officers, when using their position or title in the Club, must remain neutral regarding Republican primary races regarding public endorsements. Any Club Officer or Club member may work independently for a candidate in a primary but may not represent themselves as working on behalf of the club. 
Our meetings are generally the third Tuesday of the month from September through June. If there is a conflict (e.g., falls on a holiday week) the schedule will be modified.  The meeting locations will vary - please check the event details for the specific location.

Please check the calendar for each event.